When I bought new netbook HP Mini 110-3000 on October, the operating system is XP SP2 but i remember thats i have Ubuntu 10.04 Lucyd CD, from Ubuntu thats have posted to me, then i try beside XP, instaling is work fine normal about 20 minute,i check all VGA,Camera,Wifi is work fine but wheen i try to play MP3 the sound not come out, then i plug extenal speaker,its work fine..ha...whats wrong ..?. then i search In google, after 5 days, i found the blog tell about this problem, i try it and its work fine. thanks so much..and below the step i write here for you all
1. Open terminal
2. Run Bellow command
$ sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic
3. After Finish Restart the Notebook
thanks to http://ordinary-linux-user.blogspot.com
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010
Internetan Antara IM3,TelkomFlash dan 3

Setelah, bertahan beberapa tahun dengan IM3 dari jamanya GPRS hingga 3G karena waktu itu saya menggunakan hanphone sebagai acces internetan baik untuk buka email, browsing and chating karena memang paling murah cuman ya lambat lah, tergantung daerahnya, lalu saya memutuskan berhijrah ke TELKOMFLASH Unlimited yang kebetulan menggunakan coorperate dengan pagu sebulan 100.000/ 1 GB emang mantab download speed kadang bisa mengalahkan Speedy sampai pernah 300KB/Sec tapi krn waktu itu handphone sebagai modem rusak akhirnya berhenti dulu, dan sekitar pertengahaan 2010 karena lagi gencar2nya ngenet akhirnya 3 mengeluarkan paket yang lumayan ampuh cuman 35rb/1GB dan hingga kini saya masih menggunakan 3 sepertinya dimanapun daerahnya masih mantab untu ngenet tapi yah untuk chat, email dan download file kecil. Untuk registrasi cukup mudah tinggal ketik MAU 1GB lalu kirim ke 234 dan langsung kartu anda aktif untuk ngenet.
pertama sih beli kartu perdana biasa lalu isi khan nominalnya pulsa nya jangan kurang dari 50 rebu karena secara otomotis pulsa anda akan berkurang sebanyak 35 rebu, untuk paket three quota 1GB untuk 1 bulan, dan jangan lupa juga isikan parameternya :
APN : 3data
user name : 3data
password : 3data
selamat berngenet ria dengan harga yang murah...
Jumat, 24 September 2010
Nimbuzz Portable

Tampilan Nimbuz via PC

Messengger yang di bundling sama Nimbuz
nimbuzz adalah softawre yang lumayan mantap buat para penggila chater
mania, selain bisa di gunakan di handphone nimbuzz juga bisa di
gunakan di PC ataupun laptop berawal dari tempat kerjaan yang baru
yang tidak bisa seenaknya mengistal softaware yah karena emang itu
Policy dari semua IT jadi iseng2 cari aplikasi portable yang bisa
mengakses semua mesengger baik itu YM,Google talk,Skype,Facebook,
ICQ dan lainnya dalam satu aplikasi atau softaware.
dan walhasil setelah saya search di web favorit kesukaan
akhirnya ketemu juga versi portablenya. ya langsung dah saya
jajal dan mantab, YM dan Facebook
langsung bisa ON cuman sayang, SKYPE tidak bisa krn mungkin
policy dari yang punya nimbuzz hanya bisa di akses via handphone,
ya mudah2an nextnya nimbuzz memberikan akses skype untuk nimbuzz
versi PC atau Komputernya...
Untuk versi Portablenya(Tanpa di instal) anda bisa unduh disini
tapi untuk versi instalernya bisa ke webnya nimbuzz
Jumat, 03 September 2010
ShortCut Timer Shutdown

Berawal dari pulang yang kadang telat terus, maunya sih ontime tapi berhubung bos masih di belakang meja jadi yah...gak pede juga mo nyelonong pulang...iseng2 googling dapet juga softwarenya tapi karena aku bukan admin user jadi y terpaksa gak di bisa di instal akhirnya cari2 lagi eh ternyata mudah aja tinggal cari file .exe nya shutdown
posisinya disini nih:
lalu buat dah shortcutnya di desktop(Biar mudah processnya)

>klik kanan tuh shortcut

>tamabah script targetnya dengan -s -t 3600
menjadi C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 3600
>apply and oke
kode -s -t 3600 ini menunjukan berapa lama komputer anda akan shutdown
1 menit = 60 t
1 jam = 3600 t
yah tinggal atur sesuai keinginan anda kapan komputer shutdown sendiri
Thanks buat tipsnya simple but jitu tapi saya lupa kemrin baca dari blog mana
Kamis, 10 Juni 2010
Folder Lock Without software
Just Sharing
berawal ketika istri menelpon gimana cara memprotek folder dan teringat akan
folder lock software,karena bayar ..?memang sih banyak yang crack
googling akhirnya dapat juga script mengunci folder tanpa software yah..
biasa supaya tidak lupa saya tulis ulang panduan dan scriptnya disini,
silakan mencoba
1.buka notedpad aplication
2.copy paste script di bawah
title Folder FolderRahasia
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST FolderRahasia goto MDLOCKER
echo Apakah anda ingin mengunci FolderRahasia tersebut ? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Ketik Y atau N.
ren FolderRahasia "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo FolderRahasia Terkunci
goto End
echo Masukkan Password untuk membuka kunci
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== fill the password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" FolderRahasia
echo FolderRahasia sudah di buka
goto End
echo Password salah
goto end
md FolderRahasia
echo FolderRahasia Sukses di buat
goto End
3.masukan pasword/ganti pada tulisan yang bercetak tebal dan miring pda scrift
diatas "fill the password here"
4. save file tersebut berext ... .bat atau misal lock.bat
5. Jalankan(dobel klik) File Kunci.bat yang telah dibuat, maka otomatis akan terbuat folder bernama "MyFiles". Didalam folder MyFiles inilah tempat anda menyimpan data-data anda.
Selanjutnya untuk mengunci dan menyembunyikan Folder "MyFiles" Jalankan lagi File Kunci.bat dan akan keluar bacaan : "Mau Kunci Folder MyFiles ??(Y/N)" ketik y untuk mengunci atau n untuk membatalkan lalu tekan enter. Maka folder "MyFiles" sudah tersembunyi dan terkunci (tidak bisa dihapus, rename ataupun dicopy)
Jika Folder sudah terkunci dan ingin membuka kembali Jalankan lagi File Kunci.bat dan akan keluar bacaan: "Mau Buka Folder MyFiles, Masukan Password lalu tekan Enter..." ketik password anda dan tekan enter.
berawal ketika istri menelpon gimana cara memprotek folder dan teringat akan
folder lock software,karena bayar ..?memang sih banyak yang crack
googling akhirnya dapat juga script mengunci folder tanpa software yah..
biasa supaya tidak lupa saya tulis ulang panduan dan scriptnya disini,
silakan mencoba
1.buka notedpad aplication
2.copy paste script di bawah
title Folder FolderRahasia
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST FolderRahasia goto MDLOCKER
echo Apakah anda ingin mengunci FolderRahasia tersebut ? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Ketik Y atau N.
ren FolderRahasia "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo FolderRahasia Terkunci
goto End
echo Masukkan Password untuk membuka kunci
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== fill the password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" FolderRahasia
echo FolderRahasia sudah di buka
goto End
echo Password salah
goto end
md FolderRahasia
echo FolderRahasia Sukses di buat
goto End
3.masukan pasword/ganti pada tulisan yang bercetak tebal dan miring pda scrift
diatas "fill the password here"
4. save file tersebut berext ... .bat atau misal lock.bat
5. Jalankan(dobel klik) File Kunci.bat yang telah dibuat, maka otomatis akan terbuat folder bernama "MyFiles". Didalam folder MyFiles inilah tempat anda menyimpan data-data anda.
Selanjutnya untuk mengunci dan menyembunyikan Folder "MyFiles" Jalankan lagi File Kunci.bat dan akan keluar bacaan : "Mau Kunci Folder MyFiles ??(Y/N)" ketik y untuk mengunci atau n untuk membatalkan lalu tekan enter. Maka folder "MyFiles" sudah tersembunyi dan terkunci (tidak bisa dihapus, rename ataupun dicopy)
Jika Folder sudah terkunci dan ingin membuka kembali Jalankan lagi File Kunci.bat dan akan keluar bacaan: "Mau Buka Folder MyFiles, Masukan Password lalu tekan Enter..." ketik password anda dan tekan enter.
Minggu, 06 Juni 2010
Making ISO Image without software in ubuntu
first step is open menu Aplication>accesoris>terminal,
then write below comand on terminal aplication
"sudo umount /dev/cdrom"
after that fill the superuser pasword then write again below comand
"dd if=/dev/cdrom of=NamaFileISO.iso bs=1024"
on the terminal aplication then klik enter wait the process until finish
and you can see the finished file to be .iso file on your HOME Folder
for making image file from folder you can use below command
"mkisofs -r -o NamaFileISO.iso /LetakDirektori"
from http://ohdediku.wordpress.com
then write below comand on terminal aplication
"sudo umount /dev/cdrom"
after that fill the superuser pasword then write again below comand
"dd if=/dev/cdrom of=NamaFileISO.iso bs=1024"
on the terminal aplication then klik enter wait the process until finish
and you can see the finished file to be .iso file on your HOME Folder
for making image file from folder you can use below command
"mkisofs -r -o NamaFileISO.iso /LetakDirektori"
from http://ohdediku.wordpress.com
Senin, 26 April 2010
Routing Network On OS Windows
To use this comand, first step is:
Klik Start>Run>cmd>enter
Displays and modifies the entries in the local IP routing table. Used without parameters, route displays help.
route [-f] [-p] [Command [Destination] [mask Netmask] [Gateway] [metric Metric]] [if Interface]]
Top of pageTop of page
-f : Clears the routing table of all entries that are not host routes (routes with a netmask of, the loopback network route (routes with a destination of and a netmask of, or a multicast route (routes with a destination of and a netmask of If this is used in conjunction with one of the commands (such as add, change, or delete), the table is cleared prior to running the command.
-p : When used with the add command, the specified route is added to the registry and is used to initialize the IP routing table whenever the TCP/IP protocol is started. By default, added routes are not preserved when the TCP/IP protocol is started. When used with the print command, the list of persistent routes is displayed. This parameter is ignored for all other commands. Persistent routes are stored in the registry location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\PersistentRoutes.
Command : Specifies the command you want to run. The following table lists valid commands.
Command Purpose
1.add : Adds a route.
2.change : Modifies an existing route.
3.delete : Deletes a route or routes.
4.print : Prints a route or routes.
Destination : Specifies the network destination of the route. The destination can be an IP network address (where the host bits of the network address are set to 0), an IP address for a host route, or for the default route.
mask Netmask : Specifies the netmask (also known as a subnet mask) associated with the network destination. The subnet mask can be the appropriate subnet mask for an IP network address, for a host route, or for the default route. If omitted, the subnet mask is used. Because of the relationship between the destination and the subnet mask in defining routes, the destination cannot be more specific than its corresponding subnet mask. In other words, there cannot be a bit set to 1 in the destination if the corresponding bit in the subnet mask is a 0.
Gateway : Specifies the forwarding or next hop IP address over which the set of addresses defined by the network destination and subnet mask are reachable. For locally attached subnet routes, the gateway address is the IP address assigned to the interface that is attached to the subnet. For remote routes, available across one or more routers, the gateway address is a directly reachable IP address that is assigned to a neighboring router.
metric Metric : Specifies an integer cost metric (ranging from 1 to 9999) for the route, which is used when choosing among multiple routes in the routing table that most closely match the destination address of a packet being forwarded. The route with the lowest metric is chosen. The metric can reflect the number of hops, the speed of the path, path reliability, path throughput, or administrative properties.
if Interface : Specifies the interface index for the interface over which the destination is reachable. For a list of interfaces and their corresponding interface indexes, use the display of the route print command. You can use either decimal or hexadecimal values for the interface index. For hexadecimal values, precede the hexadecimal number with 0x. When the if parameter is omitted, the interface is determined from the gateway address.
/? : Displays help at the command prompt.
Top of pageTop of page
Large values in the metric column of the routing table are the result of allowing TCP/IP to automatically determine the metric for routes in the routing table based on the configuration of IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for each LAN interface. Automatic determination of the interface metric, enabled by default, determines the speed of each interface and adjusts the metrics of routes for each interface so that the fastest interface creates the routes with the lowest metric. To remove the large metrics, disable the automatic determination of the interface metric from the advanced properties of the TCP/IP protocol for each LAN connection.
Names can be used for Destination if an appropriate entry exists in the local Networks file stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. Names can be used for the gateway as long as they can be resolved to an IP address through standard host name resolution techniques such as Domain Name System (DNS) queries, use of the local Hosts file stored in the systemroot\system32\drivers\etc folder, and NetBIOS name resolution.
If the command is print or delete, the Gateway parameter can be omitted and wildcards can be used for the destination and gateway. The Destination value can be a wildcard value specified by an asterisk (*). If the destination specified contains an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?), it is treated as a wildcard and only matching destination routes are printed or deleted. The asterisk matches any string, and the question mark matches any single character. For example, 10.*.1, 192.168.*, 127.*, and *224* are all valid uses of the asterisk wildcard.
Using an invalid combination of a destination and subnet mask (netmask) value displays a "Route: bad gateway address netmask" error message. This error message appears when the destination contains one or more bits set to 1 in bit locations where the corresponding subnet mask bit is set to 0. To test this condition, express the destination and subnet mask using binary notation. The subnet mask in binary notation consists of a series of 1 bits, representing the network address portion of the destination, and a series of 0 bits, representing the host address portion of the destination. Check to determine whether there are bits in the destination that are set to 1 for the portion of the destination that is the host address (as defined by the subnet mask).
The -p parameter is only supported on the route command for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition, and Windows XP. This parameter is not supported by the route command for Windows 95 or Windows 98.
This command is available only if the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol is installed as a component in the properties of a network adapter in Network Connections
Top of pageTop of page
To display the entire contents of the IP routing table, type:
route print
To display the routes in the IP routing table that begin with 10., type:
route print 10.*
To add a default route with the default gateway address of, type:
route add mask
To add a route to the destination with the subnet mask of and the next hop address of, type:
route add mask
To add a persistent route to the destination with the subnet mask of and the next hop address of, type:
route -p add mask
To add a route to the destination with the subnet mask of, the next hop address of, and the cost metric of 7, type:
route add mask metric 7
To add a route to the destination with the subnet mask of, the next hop address of, and using the interface index 0x3, type:
route add mask if 0x3
To delete the route to the destination with the subnet mask of, type:
route delete mask
To delete all routes in the IP routing table that begin with 10., type:
route delete 10.*
To change the next hop address of the route with the destination of and the subnet mask of from to, type:
route change mask
from http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/route.mspx?mfr=true
Klik Start>Run>cmd>enter
Displays and modifies the entries in the local IP routing table. Used without parameters, route displays help.
route [-f] [-p] [Command [Destination] [mask Netmask] [Gateway] [metric Metric]] [if Interface]]
Top of pageTop of page
-f : Clears the routing table of all entries that are not host routes (routes with a netmask of, the loopback network route (routes with a destination of and a netmask of, or a multicast route (routes with a destination of and a netmask of If this is used in conjunction with one of the commands (such as add, change, or delete), the table is cleared prior to running the command.
-p : When used with the add command, the specified route is added to the registry and is used to initialize the IP routing table whenever the TCP/IP protocol is started. By default, added routes are not preserved when the TCP/IP protocol is started. When used with the print command, the list of persistent routes is displayed. This parameter is ignored for all other commands. Persistent routes are stored in the registry location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\PersistentRoutes.
Command : Specifies the command you want to run. The following table lists valid commands.
Command Purpose
1.add : Adds a route.
2.change : Modifies an existing route.
3.delete : Deletes a route or routes.
4.print : Prints a route or routes.
Destination : Specifies the network destination of the route. The destination can be an IP network address (where the host bits of the network address are set to 0), an IP address for a host route, or for the default route.
mask Netmask : Specifies the netmask (also known as a subnet mask) associated with the network destination. The subnet mask can be the appropriate subnet mask for an IP network address, for a host route, or for the default route. If omitted, the subnet mask is used. Because of the relationship between the destination and the subnet mask in defining routes, the destination cannot be more specific than its corresponding subnet mask. In other words, there cannot be a bit set to 1 in the destination if the corresponding bit in the subnet mask is a 0.
Gateway : Specifies the forwarding or next hop IP address over which the set of addresses defined by the network destination and subnet mask are reachable. For locally attached subnet routes, the gateway address is the IP address assigned to the interface that is attached to the subnet. For remote routes, available across one or more routers, the gateway address is a directly reachable IP address that is assigned to a neighboring router.
metric Metric : Specifies an integer cost metric (ranging from 1 to 9999) for the route, which is used when choosing among multiple routes in the routing table that most closely match the destination address of a packet being forwarded. The route with the lowest metric is chosen. The metric can reflect the number of hops, the speed of the path, path reliability, path throughput, or administrative properties.
if Interface : Specifies the interface index for the interface over which the destination is reachable. For a list of interfaces and their corresponding interface indexes, use the display of the route print command. You can use either decimal or hexadecimal values for the interface index. For hexadecimal values, precede the hexadecimal number with 0x. When the if parameter is omitted, the interface is determined from the gateway address.
/? : Displays help at the command prompt.
Top of pageTop of page
Large values in the metric column of the routing table are the result of allowing TCP/IP to automatically determine the metric for routes in the routing table based on the configuration of IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for each LAN interface. Automatic determination of the interface metric, enabled by default, determines the speed of each interface and adjusts the metrics of routes for each interface so that the fastest interface creates the routes with the lowest metric. To remove the large metrics, disable the automatic determination of the interface metric from the advanced properties of the TCP/IP protocol for each LAN connection.
Names can be used for Destination if an appropriate entry exists in the local Networks file stored in the systemroot\System32\Drivers\Etc folder. Names can be used for the gateway as long as they can be resolved to an IP address through standard host name resolution techniques such as Domain Name System (DNS) queries, use of the local Hosts file stored in the systemroot\system32\drivers\etc folder, and NetBIOS name resolution.
If the command is print or delete, the Gateway parameter can be omitted and wildcards can be used for the destination and gateway. The Destination value can be a wildcard value specified by an asterisk (*). If the destination specified contains an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?), it is treated as a wildcard and only matching destination routes are printed or deleted. The asterisk matches any string, and the question mark matches any single character. For example, 10.*.1, 192.168.*, 127.*, and *224* are all valid uses of the asterisk wildcard.
Using an invalid combination of a destination and subnet mask (netmask) value displays a "Route: bad gateway address netmask" error message. This error message appears when the destination contains one or more bits set to 1 in bit locations where the corresponding subnet mask bit is set to 0. To test this condition, express the destination and subnet mask using binary notation. The subnet mask in binary notation consists of a series of 1 bits, representing the network address portion of the destination, and a series of 0 bits, representing the host address portion of the destination. Check to determine whether there are bits in the destination that are set to 1 for the portion of the destination that is the host address (as defined by the subnet mask).
The -p parameter is only supported on the route command for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition, and Windows XP. This parameter is not supported by the route command for Windows 95 or Windows 98.
This command is available only if the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol is installed as a component in the properties of a network adapter in Network Connections
Top of pageTop of page
To display the entire contents of the IP routing table, type:
route print
To display the routes in the IP routing table that begin with 10., type:
route print 10.*
To add a default route with the default gateway address of, type:
route add mask
To add a route to the destination with the subnet mask of and the next hop address of, type:
route add mask
To add a persistent route to the destination with the subnet mask of and the next hop address of, type:
route -p add mask
To add a route to the destination with the subnet mask of, the next hop address of, and the cost metric of 7, type:
route add mask metric 7
To add a route to the destination with the subnet mask of, the next hop address of, and using the interface index 0x3, type:
route add mask if 0x3
To delete the route to the destination with the subnet mask of, type:
route delete mask
To delete all routes in the IP routing table that begin with 10., type:
route delete 10.*
To change the next hop address of the route with the destination of and the subnet mask of from to, type:
route change mask
from http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/route.mspx?mfr=true
Rabu, 07 April 2010
Ctrl+Alt+Del remote desktop using Real VNC

Finally i have found how to using Ctrl+Alt+Del to remoted our client pc using Real Vnc the step are like above:
1. Klik Run Listening Vnc Viewer
on Start>All program>Real VNC>Real VNC Viewer>Run Listening
Vnc Viewer.After klik Run Listening Vnc Viewer the icon vnc
tobe 2 icon at right corner
2. Running or klik Run VNC Viewer
3. Fill the ip pc which will remoted
4. Fill the password, After VNC Viewer running for remoted pc
client klik f8 at position remoted pc client
5. Then klik send Ctrl+Alt+Del
from Real VNC
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010
Lupa Pasword Root IPCOP
Untuk IPCOP root:
1. Restart System
2. Pada saat tampilan GRUB press ‘a’.
3. Pada bagian akhir pilihan boot yg tampil tulis ’single’ (!! tanpa tanda kutip dan jangan lupa press spasi dulu).
4. Press enter
5. Pada jendela prompt tuliskan ‘passwd’ (!! Tanpa tanda kutip)
Langkah ke - 5 diatas akan meminta kita menuliskan password baru untuk root
6. Restart system untuk kembali login as usual (tuliskan: ’shutdown -r now’)
Demikian untuk menggantiPassword root di IPCOP.
Sekarang untuk mengganti web admin password
1. Login ke system
2. Edit file user (vi /var/ipcop/auth/users)
3. Hapus semua tulisan setelah admin:
4. Tutup file tersebut.
Sekarang kita akan dapat login ke IPCOP dengan web admin user.
Untuk mengganti Password admin
1. Buka web admin IPCOP
2. Pilih System -> Passwords
Ganti password admin dari tempat ini.
Begitu katanya, sehingga tidak jadi re-install IPCOP
di ambil dari http://www.edison.web.id
1. Restart System
2. Pada saat tampilan GRUB press ‘a’.
3. Pada bagian akhir pilihan boot yg tampil tulis ’single’ (!! tanpa tanda kutip dan jangan lupa press spasi dulu).
4. Press enter
5. Pada jendela prompt tuliskan ‘passwd’ (!! Tanpa tanda kutip)
Langkah ke - 5 diatas akan meminta kita menuliskan password baru untuk root
6. Restart system untuk kembali login as usual (tuliskan: ’shutdown -r now’)
Demikian untuk menggantiPassword root di IPCOP.
Sekarang untuk mengganti web admin password
1. Login ke system
2. Edit file user (vi /var/ipcop/auth/users)
3. Hapus semua tulisan setelah admin:
4. Tutup file tersebut.
Sekarang kita akan dapat login ke IPCOP dengan web admin user.
Untuk mengganti Password admin
1. Buka web admin IPCOP
2. Pilih System -> Passwords
Ganti password admin dari tempat ini.
Begitu katanya, sehingga tidak jadi re-install IPCOP
di ambil dari http://www.edison.web.id
Selasa, 02 Maret 2010
Setting Panasonic Ext No
Hanya catatan kecil tapi sangat saya perlukan:
To Fine Ext Number
> *#1888
> 003
> Speaker Phone (dial till ext number we want or will used come)
Example: Eng Ext.220
Dial till this number come
#22-1 : EXT 220
To lost Ext Number without timer
> *#1888
> 601 (601 cos #)
> Speaker Phone ( Dial till the Ext Number we want come then change the
cos # to cos 7)
Example: #22-1 : EXT 220
#22-1 cos 1
then dial Speaker phone till change to #22-1:cos 7
>Store (to saving the program )
Changing Ext Number
> *#1888
> 003 ( To find Ext Number)
> Speaker Phone
> 133 (#13-1:ext 3) ( Dial till Number Ext we want come then
dial the number we will used to change it)
Example:#22-1: EXT 220 then dial the Ext number tobe #22-1: EXT 222
>Store (to Save the program)
Make dialing Quick Number (* EXt)
> *#1888
> 001
> Speaker Phone (Klik till found the blank no)
> 49
> 7373
> #>9>Handphone Number
> Store
To restrict Ext number from another Ext number
>Ext aktive
To Fine Ext Number
> *#1888
> 003
> Speaker Phone (dial till ext number we want or will used come)
Example: Eng Ext.220
Dial till this number come
#22-1 : EXT 220
To lost Ext Number without timer
> *#1888
> 601 (601 cos #)
> Speaker Phone ( Dial till the Ext Number we want come then change the
cos # to cos 7)
Example: #22-1 : EXT 220
#22-1 cos 1
then dial Speaker phone till change to #22-1:cos 7
>Store (to saving the program )
Changing Ext Number
> *#1888
> 003 ( To find Ext Number)
> Speaker Phone
> 133 (#13-1:ext 3) ( Dial till Number Ext we want come then
dial the number we will used to change it)
Example:#22-1: EXT 220 then dial the Ext number tobe #22-1: EXT 222
>Store (to Save the program)
Make dialing Quick Number (* EXt)
> *#1888
> 001
> Speaker Phone (Klik till found the blank no)
> 49
> 7373
> #>9>Handphone Number
> Store
To restrict Ext number from another Ext number
>Ext aktive
Selasa, 05 Januari 2010
Phone Start-up Failed - PHONE IS NOKIA 6630

Just share the information, this day my brother give me his freind handphone with model Nokia 6630, and the handphone cannot sign in properly the screen message only show "Phone Start-up Failed Contact The Retailer" then i search to google...i found the forum to discus this topic and i try the step..until 3 times and its work thanks to all member at that forum (http://forum.gsmhosting.com) and below the step to solve the problem ay\t your nokia phone 6630:
1.turn phone off
2.press Green+3+*+power on
3.still hold them to see "formating"
4.try aboe step 2 or 3 times
5.if not formated use JAF or PBB for format user area

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